Support NoSeat

Thank you for visiting!

I'm passionate about helping people navigate public transport in cities around the world. This project is a work of love, and so I'm committed to making it as useful as possible. Your support helps me do it.

What your support will help me do

  • Keep the site running.
  • Add more cities and fact-check information.
  • Eventually buy the domain.
  • Improve the site and add new features.

How you can support

If you've found helpful, these are a few ways you can contribute:

  • Contribute!

    If you're a local in a city, you can help by fact-checking information and adding new routes.

    If your city is not listed, you can help by adding it.

    For now, you can do this by emailing me here.

  • Share the site with your friends!

  • Use my affiliate links.

    This website will soon have affiliate links. This means that if you click on the link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

  • Buy me a coffee on Kofi (coming soon)

  • Support me on Patreon (coming soon)